Sunday, May 19, 2013

Inspiring Eminent Blogger: Chris Emmert

Meet wonderful mosaic artist Chris Emmert today. I truly love and admire her art work. Read on to know more about Chris and her exquisite art work.

Welcome Chris, I am happy to have you here on Design Decor & Disha. Please introduce yourself.

I am a self-taught artist and have been creating many forms of arts and crafts for most of my life, but mixed-media mosaics are my passion! I enjoy using found objects and intriguing bits in creating a visually appealing piece of art……and ROCKS!~!!!

Upcycled Planter made by Chris

When and how you realized your passion about Mosaic Art.

I had a coffee shop that I sold in 2007 so I could focus on my art. I started listing on Etsy in September of  2010. Sales were slow to start but have steadily increased since.

Tell us when your artwork started getting recognized and you stepped into this business.

I do mostly garden stones and pet memorials that are very unique. By 2013 my name is becoming recognized and I get requests for custom rocks.

Garden Rock  done by Chris
What are the tools and materials you use for mosaic art and please share some tips for beginners.

In 98’ when I was making all the tables for my coffee shop, I did one in mosaic with broken up coffee cups. I used a hammer not knowing that there were special tools that make it easy to cut up pottery and glass. When I got my first pair of wheeled nippers I was in heaven.

Mosaic art on wine glass
How many mediums you have worked on. Which one is easy to work with.

Mosaics can be done on any surface. Around my house nothing is sacred. I just finished the guest
bathroom where I covered the sink in pebbles.

Mosaic art done by Chris in her Guest Bathroom

Which one is your favorite art piece and why.

My piece “Durango” is my all time favorite, mainly because of all the recycled materials I used in it.

Here is Durango

What other than mosaic art excites you.

I give rocks workshops and it’s so much fun to see my students get excited!!!!
Mosaic Mirror

Please share the links where we can find your Art work and where my blog readers can get connected with you.

Which blogs or web sites inspire you and you love to visit them regularly.

This is SAMA The Society of American Mosaic Artists, and I was able to attend the conference for the first time this year in Tacoma WA . It was so awesome meeting fellow artists and taking a few classes.

Thanks a lot Chris for taking some time out to share about you and your art and being with us virtually.
I found Mosaic art such a beautiful art form and Chris has inspired me enough to create one art piece by my own, though I didn't have all the supplies available but I tried my best to give it a mosaic like look.

Have a wonderful weekend friends, have creative one!!
Check out other interviews under Inspiring Eminent Bloggers here.

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