Thursday, June 27, 2013

These Pebbles Can Steal Your Heart!!

I am sure many of you already have seen painted pebbles/rocks.....but wait you haven't seen these beauties!! These cute painted pebbles can steal your heart or can tempt you to make some for your own....yes I mean it. Check out these amazing creations by creative people.

Links has been provided below each image so please go through the links and explore the world of creativity and admire artists and their artwork :)

Image Source: Click Here
Image Source: Click Here

Image Source: Click Here
Image Source: Click Here
Image Source: Click Here
Image Source: Click Here
Color galore.............

Image Source: Click Here

Image Source: Click Here

These are super cute...............

Image Source: Click Here

Image Source: Click Here

Image Source: Click Here
Image Source: Click Here
Eye popping...........

Image Source: Click Here
Image Source: Click Here
Image Source: Click Here
Image Source: Click Here

Now tell me aren't you inspired enough to try your hands on it. If you already have painted some then you have to share it :)

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