Thursday, June 13, 2013

Your Home Reflects Your Personality

It's said that you don't have to tell about yourself your home will tell who you are. Your home is a true reflection of your personality. Make your home your haven. Follow these tips and personalize your home:

Replace things that are generic with the things that bring you joy and you love them. Like I love this sunburst mirror I made and I really love looking at it.

Image: Mine
Don't spend lot of money on things that just catch your attention instead choose things that you love and suits to your style and reflects your personality. I bought this terracotta Buddha statue from an exhibition in dirt cheap rate and then gave it a new look that reflects my personality and suits to my style.

Image: Mine
One more way to reflect your personality through your home is color. Choose paint and fabrics in color that define your taste. For me warm and earthy tones define my taste.

Image: Mine
Always choose right fabric and pattern for furnishing that your are more drawn toward.
Display souvenir collected from different places traveled around the world. It reflects the fact that you are well traveled and well informed person.

Image: Mine
Mix and match accessories. This will ensure that you are not burning hole in your pocket while doing up your home in your own style. Put things together in a way that they blend well.
Be little creative and try to do things yourself it can be a painting, any craft or art piece or re paint your  furniture to add touch of your personality to your home. I heart decorative trays so gave it a try and created one for me. If you want to make one for you go here.

Image: Mine
Display your heirlooms with pride. Place them in a right place to catch attention of visitors instantly.
Bringing in fresh flowers and green can make space look lively and speaks of your personality too.

Image: Mine
Take out all those things that are lying unused but you love them. Display your stuff in a creative manner. Brass or copper vessels can be displayed creatively on kitchen window sill or above the cabinets. Vintage frames can be displayed on a living room wall in a form of cluster to grab attention.

It takes little creativity and your imagination to fill colors on your blank canvas and to make your home your haven. If you want to share images of your home then drop me a mail at,  would love to publish them here on my blog.

Much Love!!

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